Eti Khan Mitu

Eti Khan Mitu
Eti Khan Mitu
Research Intern, Research and Development Unit
University of Barishal

Eti Khan Mitu is an intern at Language Skill Development Unit at UniV.

Mitu is from Babuganj, Barishal in Bangladesh. She completed her bachelor’s degree from the Coastal Studies and Disaster Management department at the University of Barishal. She got scholarships in PSC (talent pool), JSC (talent pool), and HSC (General) with outstanding positions.

She works as a creative team member in Autiry. Auritry work to aware people of plastic pollution ( causes, impact, and alternatives). Her preferred research fields are salinity intrusion, river bank erosion, flood management, WASH, and so on.

She worked as a research assistant for the project “Agricultural water management and farmers’ livelihood in Barishal” under Swarnali Mahmood who is an assistant professor of Coastal Studies and Disaster Management at the University of Barishal from November 28, 2017, to May 31, 2018.

She also completed her research on salinity gradient in the Barishal division which is not published yet.
In her free time, Mitu enjoys gardening, traveling, cooking, learning new skills, and volunteering.